Welcome to our Social Network!
This platform will allow you to communicate and exchange useful information with like-minded individuals. Our network allows inventors and developers to:
- access new and innovative technical ideas in the field of space propulsion and new sources of energy
- access information about new developing ideas
- fund existing projects and start-ups
- publish results of scientific and technological research and experiments
- demonstrate technical devices
It will also allow you to share your ideas on exploration of the interstellar environment, the development of new human colonies in other solar systems, and the development of a new perfect society that we are striving to create.
Here you can express your thoughts on how human society should be organized and built in the future. Here we can discuss how to develop the best ways to govern our society and to create the most efficient political mechanisms that will lead to the greatest economic and technological achievements.
Unlike most existing social networks, IntStelForce network is completely independent and censorship-free. Here you can raise and discuss any political, technical, historical, social, or environmental issues that you think are important for humankind. There is only one rule: that all discourse must remain civil.
This platform looks very similar to any other social network where you can create an account, post your comments, photos and videos, and make new friends, followers and supporters.
Our ultimate aim is to help humans achieve a much higher level of physical and spiritual development, arming them with new advanced technology.
You are also free to suggest new and practical ways of developing our network into a stronger and more influential organization in order to protect and promote interests and the efforts of the leading force of our society: members of the IntStelForce network.
Our mission is to unite us all under one roof and to make us strong. Join us to make your voice heard! Join us to make your achievements noticed and implemented in real life! Join us to build a better future!