A new type of flying machine will revolutionize our lives
Our specialists are passionate about their work and each and everyone of them is working hard to give us our first final product – the first fully functional, flying prototype of the electromagnetic spacecraft. The new propulsion system we are developing will completely revolutionize our lives – not only in space, but also on planet Earth…
Quantum engine propelled aircraft will be capable of lifting any load.
The basic principle of the quantum engine is that the weight of the flying machine and its load are set to zero. It will not matter how much you load into the aircraft, whether it be one or 1,000 tons. The weight of the mass will set to zero at the push of a button. This will create the greatest technological revolution that humans have ever seen.
There will be no need for trains and maritime transport. No need for expensive railways and merchant sea ports damaging the countryside and harbors. Airports will shrink in size as we will no longer need large runways. Instead, airports will look like modern heliports with landing pads.
Quantum engine propelled aircraft could replace all modes of transportation
VTOL quantum propelled aircraft could replace our cars, and intercity roads could disappear. We will be able to build small, motorcar-size electromnagnetic flying machines they will easily replace existing motor vehicles, thus eliminating the need for construction of new roads and motorways, gas stations and bridges. Our cities will become clean, green, and free from noise and polluting traffic.
The construction industry will transform
There will be a revolution in the construction industry. We will be able to move massive concrete and stone blocks of any size and weighing hundreds of tons to any height and any distance just pushing a joystick on a control panel.
Space travel will be far more available
The new spacecraft will be small, not mechanically complicated, and completely free of ground support and launch facilities. They will be much less expensive than their contemporary, cumbersome, chemical fuel rockets. This will make them far more available for anyone wishing to travel in space independently.
Private space companies will be able to build great number of these flying machines. These ships will fly groups of space enthusiasts, who will explore and colonize new planetary systems.
A perfect new world?
There will have the potential of creating a perfect new world on the new habitable planets… as perfect, at least, as man is capable of creating.
Our vision
We will create a new technologically and politically advanced world beyond our solar system: the world without wars, terrorism, hunger, genetically modified food and polluted water, bloody oppressive regimes and religious fanatism.
These ships will allow us to build a new society, a new independent planet-state and eventually a group of planets governed by this newly created state where free citizens will enjoy true freedom and the fruits of scientific progress.
We have created the INTSTELFORCE SOCIETY as the first building block of the foundation of our new state.
Our new planet-state will accommodate the most brilliant individuals from planet Earth and allow us to create a new advanced nation that will move far ahead from our old world.
Our Step-by-Step Plan
- 1.Create hovering prototypes of quantum energy propelled aircraft in laboratory conditions.
Dev System
- 2. Build quantum propelled small-sized, unmanned drones for outdoor use. These drones will help us study flying characteristics and perfect the controls of new flying machines.

3. Build the first manned pressurized cabin craft capable of carrying 2 to 4 people within the Earth’s atmosphere and beyond. Eventually, such craft should be capable of making short excursions (a few hours) to the nearest celestial bodies of our solar system.
4. Build large air and spaceships capable of carrying hundreds of passengers and hundred tons of cargo within the Earth’s atmosphere and beyond.
It is here where the air travel and transportation revolution begins. After these machines reach the necessary proficiency, they can be used to deliver construction materials and machinery to the surface of the Moon and Mars. Then we can begin construction of the first protected human settlements and planet mining.
5. Build the first interstellar versions of these flying machines that will deliver the manned expeditions and cargo to the surface of other planets in other planetary systems. This will begin a new era of the human development: colonization of Earth-like planets.
6. Study climatic, geological, and biological conditions on the closest Earth-like planets in the other solar systems to find the most suitable one for human habitation. This will birth the creation of the first independent state – a new advanced nation.
7. Commence extensive scientific studies and experiments that will help humankind to create the first devices for inter-galaxy and inter-dimensional trips – possibly some form of teleportation. These devices will allow us to colonize planets in other galaxies and to commence studies of other dimensions.
We will unite the best and the most talented industrialists and scientists and develop a new advanced economy and science. The economic and scientific capacity of this new prosperous planet-state will greatly exceed capacity of any state or empire that has ever existed on planet Earth. That is our long-term goal. It will be a long journey, but this journey begins with our first step, and we are taking this step now.